The ProcEx Model

The ProcEx Model


Capabilities presentation:

The first step in the ProcEx journey is for one of our consultants to visit your site and perform a capabilities presentation. Here we help you to understand exactly what we offer. Then we help you identify your ‘problem statement’ and ‘top three goals’. If you like what you see we then move to the Assessment stage.



This is the fact finding mission, the data collection stage. A ProcEx Solutions Ltd consultant spends typically four to five days at your site to gather data, interview your staff and videotape each step of your workflow. We then take the next two weeks to analyse the data and establish where the bottle-necks and problem areas are. We then come back to your site and present our findings and supply you with a detailed report, a slide presentation, a cost improvement plan and recommendations for the future state. At the Assessment feedback meeting, we also discuss the most suitable implementation plan for you.



This could consist of a series of 5 day Kaizen (rapid improvement) events or a longer term implementation plan. Whatever approach we agree upon, the model is always centered on Knowledge Transfer. We base this on the adage of “Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand”.

You nominate a small team of people to whom we transfer our expertise through a hands-on training and mentoring approach which recognises that culture change should not be imposed and that communications and commitment lie at the heart of any successful implementation. Unlike many consultancy or change management processes, ProcEx Solutions Ltd actually sets out to transfer intellectual capital and knowledge to the client organisation. The result is that future process improvement implementations can be run from internal resources completely independent of ProcEx Solutions Ltd.



At the end of the Implementation stage, we leave you with a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which we expect you to measure daily. The KPIs serve as a means to ensure that you ‘sustain the gains’ which have been achieved during implementation. Our consultant will return to your site approximately 3-6 months after the implementation to carry out a 2 day audit and to advise on the progress of your continuous improvement journey.